My Second Respond to the Work on Articles

This time I have read an interesting article (even though it was required reading 🙂 ) which is called “What’s Old Can Be New Again – Assisted By Digital Media”. The author whose name is Steve Buttry has wrote this article as a story of himself and his professional development.

His story made me think over the former times of journalists and, let say, printing entrepreneurs when the Internet and as a consequence social media networking was not available and so widely used as it is now. I mean, all this stuff like blogging or tweeting is quite new for masses and for journalist reportings. I can imagine what a breakthrough it was when journalists have discovered an opportunity to share fresh news with the wider audience and in just few seconds. Nowadays in our country it still seems quite innovative and unusual to have blogs or to here such phrase as “I am following you on Twitter”. I even feel myself old or just not fashion not using social networking every day. So, for the first article that I have read for this publication, my point is that today being a good journalist or just an educated person (which sometimes may be quite similar) it is vitally important to get acquainted with all new technologies and facilities that are successfully created for us.


The second article that I have chosen to read is called “Reporting Relies on Questions: Now They Come From Readers” by Vaughn Hagerty. What basically grabbed my attention in this article is the point how important the participation of the audience in news making process may be. We may and do participate in it via asking questions on such websites as, for example. Some of questions that are asked may be useful for the wide audience and may provoke journalists and reporters on further investigations.

Thus we may follow the idea of both participatory journalism and social networking, both contributing to the future of the reporters.

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